
Scientists have learned that a build-up of amyloid plaque in the brain is neurotoxic (which means it is bad for brain cells) causing brain cells to degenerate and die which leads to subsequent memory loss/dementia. We are conducting several studies to see if a study medication can remove the amyloid plaque present in the brain and  whether removing this plaque can either stop or slow the loss of memory.

Criteria to participate

Some of the criteria patients must satisfy to participate are:

  • Age between 50 and 85 years old
  • Have a study partner (i.e. someone who is with you for 8 hours or more each week and would be willing to come to the study center about twice a year with you)
  • Demonstrate a mild level of memory loss with testing
  • Have a positive PET (brain scan) for amyloid plaque
  • Able to have an MRI scan (that is no metal in your head or upper torso)
  • Has no medical conditions which may also cause memory loss (e.g. Parkinson’s, uncontrolled sleep apnea, and history or stroke)

About the Study

Once the study criteria are met, the patient will receive either the study medication or a placebo for the duration of the study; neither the patient nor the doctor will know which is assigned. The study medication is infused into a vein in your arm once or twice a month over about 1½ hours. During the study, MRI scans of the brain are repeated and once each year, an amyloid PET scan is conducted. The study will last 18 to 24 months. After completion of the main study, all patients are offered real medication (no placebo) for 2 years or until the medication is available on the market. There is no cost to the patient for medical care provided in the study nor for any of the scans, memory testing, or medication.

Current Studies

We are currently conducting the following studies with medications which seek to remove brain amyloid plaque



Study medication

NCT number

Study Status

LAKD Lilly Remternetug Coming in July 2024
LAKF Lilly Remternetug Coming in Oct 2024
M22-721 AbbVie ABBV-916 Coming in Dec 2024
LAKC Lilly Remternetug NCR05463731 Closed to new patients
BAN301 Eisai Lecanemab NCR03887455 Closed to new patients
AACI Lilly Donanemab NCR05026866 Closed to new patients
221AD305 Biogen Aducanumab NCT05310071 Closed
AACG Lilly Donanemab NCT03367403 Closed
221AD301 Biogen Aducanumab NCT04241068 Closed
AACN Lilly  Donanemab NCT05108922 Closed
GRADUATE Roche Gantenerumab NCT03444870 Closed

You may use the NCT number to learn more about the study we are conducting by going to and entering the number in the search bar.