Anyone who wishes to be a part of a research study and meets the eligibility criteria for it can participate. Before anyone can enroll in a research study, they must first review a comprehensive written description of the study, discuss it with the study staff and study physician, have their questions answered, and give their informed consent. This description of the study lays out what the intent of the study is, how long it will last, what medical procedures will be performed, what benefits and risk will those participating in it may encounter, and what rights the volunteer has (for example, the right to stop participation in the study at any time and for any reason without prejudice).
After giving their informed consent, the patient will undergo a thorough medical evaluation and health assessment, including a medical history, physical examination, nutritional and social history, vital sign measurements, and laboratory evaluation. These, and other evaluations, are done to assure that the patient can safely participate in the clinical trial. This comprehensive evaluation is conducted at no charge to the patients and the information obtained is fully available to the patient for their records.
If you wish to speak to one of our staff members about one or more studies, please send us some background information and we will give you a call.
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