NCR is currently open. We have taken steps to keep our staff and our patients safe during their office visit. We are practicing social distancing, wearing masks, vigorously cleaning, and washing hands before and after every patient visit. We ask for each patient to also wash their hands on arrival prior to signing in. should you have a temperature over 100 degrees or have been with someone who does, please do not come to the office; we will reschedule you as soon as we can. If you have traveled to one of the hot spots in the country in the past 7 days, please do not come to the office; we will reschedule you after a 7 day break. Thank you for helping keep everyone safe.

The Nutrition Challenge

It seems everyone is always looking for the latest, greatest health fad, craze, or new super food. We forget that staying with simple basics can have great benefit. Why does eating more fruits and vegetables seem boring and why is it so hard to actually do it each...